Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Subject Tonight is Love

I really like Hafiz's sarcasm and humor in the poem the subject tonight is love. He says how he wants the subject of discussion for that night to be love, as for tommorow as well and then using sarcasm by saying he doesnt feel there is a better subject to talk about until they all die. I like how he puts humor into the poem which gets the reader think and really like the poem.

The Subject Tonight is Love

The subject tonight is Love
And for tomorrow night as well,
As a matter of fact
I know of no better topic
For us to discuss
Until we all

At This Party

At this party written by Hafiz is a very fun poem to read. he is saying how he doesn't want to be the only one having fun, filling up the bowls but wants the other person to do the same and then eventually invite alot more people to have a real party.

The Happy Virus

"I caught the happy virus last night
When I was out singing beneath the stars.
It is remarkably contagious -
So kiss me."

I really liked this poem because it makes u expand your imagination. If there really was a happy virus we would all want to get it. Since viruses that are bad spread wouldnt it be good if good viruses spreaded? I kind of wish there was a such thing as a happy virus.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hafiz Poems

Hafiz's poems are written very differently than other poets. His poems about love arent very emotional. He comes his feelings to love to very strange things. He doesnt really show very much deep emotions as do other poets. He uses metaphors to show what his love feels like without actually saying it .

The Love story movie

The movie just like every other movie is different from the book. There were alot of details that were left out like the ending where Oliver hugs his father and cries is left out which is a major turning point in the novel because throughout the whole novel it shows how he is very indifferent towards his father. I also pictured the characters very differently. I pictured Oliver differently with a more muscualr body since he plays hockey and i pictured him better looking. I also pictured his father as more aggressive looking and more bulk and bigger than Oliver. Instead he was shorter than Oliver and older.

Love Story the novel

This story was about a rich boy who falls in love with an italian girl who is poor and doesn't have the same things that he does. He was more as a soft personality and she was different because she was very honest and mean towards him. His parents did not approve of her but he still loved her and married her. She different to him from other girls. He has a very different relationship with his father then she does with her father. He then decides he does not want his fathers money anymore and Jenny then supports him throughout law school and when he finishes they become rich again. Jenny is then diagnosed with cancer and she dies. I thought their love story was very interesting and it was sad how at the end she dies after everything they built up.

You Are My Drunkenness By Nazim Hikmet

You are my drunkenness...
I did not sober up, as if I can do that;
I don't want to anyway.
I have a headache, my knees are full of scars
I am in mud all around
I struggle to walk towards your hesitant light.

This poem is expressing love in an interesting way it is giving us different ways to describe what love feels like. He states how he believes that her love is what makes him feel as if he is "Drunk". He says how he does not want to sober up even if he could. He is saying how feeling drunk in love is a good feeling and how he doesnt want to sober up. He likes the way it makes him weak around her which is a nice way to describe loving someone.

A Certain Lady By Dorothy Parker

I also enjoyed reading this poem. It was about a girl stating how he can do alot of things to fake the love for the man. "Oh, I can smile for you, and tilt my head,
And drink your rushing words with eager lips". She says here how she can do all of these things but still have her mind somewhere else. There are other lines that show that she does not really love him but acting like she does. When she states "And what goes on, my love, while you're away, You'll never know," this shows how she can be cheating on him and he will never know.

Tonight I can write the saddest lines By Pablo Neruda

In this poem the writer is trying to say how he does not have feelings for a certain girl but again is still reminiscing about how he loved her. I think its interesting to see a guy write a poem like this. I think he still has feelings for the girl. When he says i loved her and sometimes she loved me too stating that she did not always love him. Or maybe she did not love him at all but he is trying to make it sound better. In this poem he is stating how this is the last time he will think or write about her. Where he states "Though this be the last pain that she makes me suffer
and these the last verses that I write for her." He is saying here that this will be the last time he will write these things about her.

The Stranger by Albert Camus Part Two

In the second part of the book Mersault is arrested and imprisoned for the murder. During his trial he is not worries about his case. He feels that the jury will understand that it wasn't intentional. He does not hire an attorny he gets once that is given by the state. Monsieur is sentenced to death when the trial is over which was decided by the jury. He spends alot of time in jail thinking about how he should feel about this whole thing. While he is in his cell he thinks about Marie and his mother. The priest comes by at one point and is hoping to get something out of him. The day of his execution he realized that he is happy. This is very ironic that at the end of the story he finally is happy when he should have realized this when he had a job not while hes in jail. I feel bad for Mersault that he accepts what is going to happen to him a little too late but better late than never.

The Stranger by Albert Camus Part One Chapter IV - Chapter VI

In this chapter Meursault goes for swimming with Marie. They are starting to get to know eachother but it gets ruined by the fight from Raymond and his "girl". Marie wants to call the police but Mersault does not want to because he does not like police. This reply shows that he doesnt care what happens to the girl just pure selfishness. When Meursault’s boss offers him a job in Paris, Mersault answers “ it was all the same to me”. This shows how he doesnt even care about going to paris or anything else that could make him happy. Again throughout these chapters Mersault is very cold just about everything. The scene where Meursault is walking with Marie is where the climax of the story is about to unfold. everything seems good because of the fact that this is the first time Meursault thinks of asking Marie to marry him. In this scene where Meursault is with Raymond, Mersault agrees to stand aside in case the third Arab comes along. The fight leads to Reymond getting hurt and him acting very dramatically. When Raymond reaches toward his pocket for the gun, Meursault tries to stop him. We see Meursault here trying to do something that is right and very moral. After this leave away from the Arab. After that Meursault decides to go back to the beach, And this is where Mersault brutally kills the Arab. He shoots once and realizes his guilt. We dont understand why he shoots then 4 more times. it questions our perspective about him.

The Stranger by Albert Camus Part One Chapter I - Chapter III

Mersault lives in Algiers. They way this novel starts is with the death of the narraroters mother. After this happens Mersault doesn’t show very much emotion. Meursault shows himself to be indifferent toward emotion and interaction with others. Instead of grieving because his mother died, he is cold and shows now emotion. When he receives the telegram, his concern is figuring out on which day his mother died. If someone like that closed to me died I would be grieving not be so out of place that I don’t know what day my own mother died. There is no way we can really characterize Mersault because if we knew that he was happy about his mothers death we can say how he is immoral. But since he is niether sad nor happy he is simply indifferent. The relationship of him and Marie is also shown as cold and short which makes us very curious about him